S17: list of abbreviations

Telencephalic lobes:

L-Occ   - occipital lobe
L-Tmp   - temporal lobe

Telencephalic fissures and sulci:

df      - dentate fissure
hif     - hippocampal fissure
lcf     - longitudinal cerebral fissure
rfp     - rhinal fissure posterior part
s.lat   - lateral sulcus
s.spl   - splenial sulcus
s.ssylv.p- suprasylvian sulcus posterior part

Ventricular system:

LVc     - lateral ventricle, central part
LVp     - lateral ventricle, posterior part
3V      - third ventricle

Cerebral fiber systems:

amc     - amygdalar capsule
cc      - corpus callosum
cin     - cingulum
cp      - cerebral peduncle
cso     - centrum semiovale (central telencephalic white matter)
eml     - external (thalamic) medullary lamina
f       - fornix
fi      - fimbria
fr      - fasciculus retroflexus
hc      - hippocampal commissure
iml     - internal (thalamic) medullary lamina
mt      - mammillothalamic tract
opt     - optic tract

Olfactory structures:

Pir     - piriform cortex

Amygdaloid structures:

AHi     - amygdalohippocampal area (transition area)
amc     - amygdalar capsule
Amyg    - amygdala
APir    - amygdalopiriform transition area

Hippocampal structures:

alv     - alveus of the hippocampus
CA1     - field CA1 of hippocampus
CA3     - field CA3 of hippocampus
DG      - dentate gyrus
FC      - fasciola cinereum
GrDG    - granular layer of the dentate gyrus
H       - hippocampus
Hil     - hilus of the dentate gyrus
MoDG    - molecular layer of the dentate gyrus
Py      - pyramidal cell layer of the hippocampus
S       - subiculum

Pericallosal lobe structures:

BA33    - Brodmann area 33 cytoarchitectonic homolog cortex
IG      - indusium griseum
RSA     - retrosplenial agranular cortex
RSG     - retrosplenial granular cortex

Perirhinal/insular lobe structures:

PRh35   - perirhinal cortex (Brodmann area 35 cytoarchitectonic homolog cortex)
PRh36   - perirhinal cortex (Brodmann area 36 cytoarchitectonic homolog cortex)

Temporal lobe structures:

Tmp1    - temporal cortex

Occipital lobe structures:

V1      - visual (striate) cortex
BA18/19 - peristriate cortex (Brodmann areas 18 and 19 homolog cortex)

Thalamic structures:

eml     - external (thalamic) medullar lamina
fr      - fasciculus retroflexus (habenulo-interpenducular bundle)
gst     - geniculostriate radiation (superior thalamic radiation)
Hb      - habenula
iml     - internal (thalamic) medullar lamina
LG      - lateral geniculate body
LTh     - lateral thalamic nuclear group
MD      - mediodorsal thalamic nuclear group
mt      - mammillothalamic tract
Rt      - reticular thalamic nucleus
Th      - thalamus
STN     - subthalamic nucleus
VL      - ventral lateral thalamic nucleus
VPM     - ventral posteromedial thalamic nucleus
VPL     - ventral posterolateral thalamic nucleus
ZI      - zona incerta

Hypothalamic structures:

f       - fornix
Hyp     - hypothalamus
MB      - mammillary body
mt      - mammillothalamic tract